Thursday, January 31, 2008
American juniors
Julie Dubela, 17 years old residing Stratham, appeared on Fox-TV' S "American Idol", Wednesday evening. She does not have the advance of round hearing to support competition in the final in Hollywood. The three judges - Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson - voted against the local singer. Cowell says Dubela was "too lenient" in its per
Violent start to 'new life'
Barely four months after she found her murdered fiance's body, a young woman was assaulted and raped in her flat.
Sexual Violence Escalates in Kenya
Unsurprisingly, reports of rape in Kenya have skyrocketed in the past few weeks -- more than doubled, though those figures don't count the majority of rapes that go unreported. Since the December 27th corrupt elections, violence throughout Kenya has reached epidemic proportions
CIA: Cyberattack Caused Multiple-City Blackout
Security agency breaks its normal silence, warning about successful attacks against critical national infrastructures outside the U.S.
Management Quota seats are on SALE/BID in Delhi schools
Management Quota seats are on SALE/BID in Delhi schools. So people who are expecting a honest shortlisting of their kids may lose after 1st Feb. We have come to a conclusion after talking to several touts & so called connected people that it is Money or connections which can guarantee your kids to admission on a good school.
Mid-Air Collision on their Final Test Flight
January 31 1957 - Eight people on the ground in Pacoima, California are killed following the mid-air collision between a Douglas DC-7 airliner and a Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter jet.
Marijuana Vending Machine
A company has invented a Marijuana Vending Machine complete with fingerprint access technology!
RP, Canada sign labor accord
by Charissa M. Luci Needed: 30,000 skilled workers a year RP, Canada sign labor agreement; British Columbia needs 30,000 workers a year This news article hits the front page of Manila Bulletin, this is in line with the growing demand for skilled workers coming from the Philippines.
Suicide of US Home Land Security Official
It is a news story about suicide of a US Home Land Security official in Islamabad capital of Pakistan. PROVIDE Beijing 2008 Olympic Tickets Package !
1. Beijing Hotel, apartment, and room rental's booking 2. Olympic Game ticktes (FINALS Open Ceremony) 3.Car Rental Service during Beijing 2008 Olympic Games' Period
IRAK - Lahme US-Krieger
Bereits im April 2007 war berichtet worden, dass das US-Militär verwundete oder erkrankte Soldaten zurück in den Irak schickt. Am Freitag nun berichtete die Denver Post unter Berufung auf den ranghöchsten General der US-Basis Fort Carson, Generalmajor Mark Graham, dass im letzten Monat 79 verletzte Soldaten in den Krieg geschickt wurden.
Brain Damage In Iraq Vets May Be Treatable Stress, Depression Study Shows
There is some good news about soldiers who suffered head injuries in Iraq. New research suggests that many of their symptoms may be due to stress and depression, treatable conditions, rather than permanent damage from mild traumatic brain injury. Several nonmilitary doctors praised the research and agreed....
Chinese Fight for Train Seats as Blizzards Cripple Transport System in Peak
Crowds of frantic Chinese fought for seats Wednesday on the few trains leaving southern China, where the worst winter storms in half a century have crippled the nation's transport system during its busiest travel season. One desperate mob stormed a city bus in the main city of Guangzhou, mistakenly thinking it was taking passengers to the trains.
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